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Assistance in company internationalization

We have the technical and operational capacity to provide a comprehensive solution to develop Yansa Colombia with the lowest opening and acquisition cost in the market.

Business Management

We help Brazilian companies open offices in Colombia. We have experience establishing companies in Colombia.

We have an internal management team responsible for the legal, fiscal (taxes), and accounting areas.

We give assistance in all the business support processes that back the operations and growth of the company in Colombia.

This includes compliance with local regulations and the submission of reports to the DIAN (Tax and Customs National Directorate of Colombia).

We have extensive experience in generating process reports in accordance with Brazilian standards. The reports are tailored to Brazilian accounting systems.

– Opening a branch in Colombia from its registration and creation.
– Obtaining the Commercial Registry (at the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá, it is mandatory).
– Aquiring the Tax ID (RUT-CNPJ).
– Opening bank accounts.
– Initial balance and implementation of enterprise software (ERP).

– Authorization of electronic invoicing before the DIAN (Tax and Customs National Directorate of Colombia).
– Electronic payroll.
– Our Internal Management team will be responsible for outsourcing all business management processes and reporting system for both Yansa and the contracted auditing company.

We work together with international auditors from the 'Big 4'.

We ensure the transparency, efficiency, and reasonableness of all processes and costs of the company.

The Internal Management will be responsible for the BPO (Business Process Outsourcing)

of all business management processes and the reporting system for both Yansa and the contracted auditing company.